Jr./Sr. High School & District Office
381 Madison St.
Waterville, NY 13480
(315) 841-3800
Memorial Park Elementary School
145 Bacon St. E,
Waterville, NY 13480
(315) 841-3700
Waterville Central School District will be operating on a two-hour delay today, Feb. 7. There will be no morning BOCES, breakfast will not be served and the Fitness Center will be closed.
The Capital Project vote is scheduled for Feb. 11 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Waterville Jr./Sr. High School cafeteria. Voters may enter the cafeteria directly through the front loop. Absentee ballots are available from the District Office and are due back by Tuesday, Feb. 11, by 8 p.m. For more information on absentee ballots, call Jennifer Nichols, District Clerk, at (315) 841-3816 or email jnichols@watervillecsd.org. The complete project scope and renderings are available on the district’s capital project webpage.
381 Madison St.
Waterville, NY 13480
(315) 841-3800
145 Bacon St. E,
Waterville, NY 13480
(315) 841-3700