Waterville CSD Athletics are an important aspect of the district’s educational offering since participation provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and traits related to teamwork, perseverance, social-emotional growth, control, physical strength, and good sportsmanship.
Athletics Schedule
Waterville CSD uses ScheduleGalaxy (Aktivate) to house its athletics calendar.
Sports Offered
Modified 7/8/9
Baseball Boys
Cross Country Boys
Cross Country Girls
Football Boys
Outdoor Track Boys
Outdoor Track Girls
Soccer Boys
Soccer Girls
Softball Girls
Winter Track Boys
Winter Track
Junior Varsity
Basketball Boys
Basketball Girls
Soccer Girls
Softball Girls
Volleyball Girls
Baseball Boys
Basketball Boys
Basketball Girls
Bowling Boys
Bowling Girls
Cheerleading (Winter) Girls
Cheerleading (Fall) Girls
Cross Country Boys
Cross Country Girls
Football (Hamilton/Waterville)Boys
Golf Boys
Outdoor Track Boys
Outdoor Track Girls
Soccer Boys
Soccer Girls
Softball Girls
Volleyball Girls
Winter Track Boys
Winter Track Girls
Family ID Registration and Placement Procedures
The Athletic Department has adopted a NYS approved process for screening students to determine their readiness to compete in interscholastic athletic competition by evaluating their physical maturity, fitness, and skill.
The process is designed for mature and exceptionally skilled students to advance to an upper level. It is not designed to fill positions on teams, provide additional experience, provide a place for middle school students when no modified program is offered, or as a reward for students.
New York State schools are mandated by the Commissioner of Education to require each student enrolled in a public school to have a satisfactory health examination conducted by the student’s family physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner upon the student’s entrance into Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten and grades 2, 4, 7, and 10.
If your child will be entering a mandated grade in the fall, you are required to provide the district with a copy of a physical exam within 30 days of the start of the school year. This physical cannot be any more than 12 months old.
If your child plans to play a sport, this exam will serve as a sport’s physical too.
Learn more about New York State’s Athletic Placement Process for Interschool Athletic Programs.
Athletics Links
Athletics Department
381 Madison St.
Waterville, NY 13480
(315) 841-3817
Tom Gifford
Athletics Director
Jenn O’Sullivan

Waterville Varsity Games at Jr./Sr. High School Stadium and Gym Livestreamed on hudl
The Waterville Central School District is excited to announce its varsity athletic contests at the Jr./Sr. High School Stadium and the Jr./Sr. High School Gymnasium will now be streamed online through the hudl system.
At this time, the live streams will be for Varsity Football and Soccer Games at the Jr./Sr. High School Stadium and Varsity Basketball Games in the Jr./Sr. High School Gymnasium.