The information below was updated on Aug. 29, 2024.
In 2024-25, the Waterville Central School District is taking steps to becoming a distraction-free learning environment. Learn more about Yondr pouches below:
Who will be using Yondr pouches?
The Yondr pouches will be distributed to students in grades 6-12 at Waterville Jr./Sr High School.

When will students start using Yondr pouches?
Students in grades 6-12 must have mobile devices turned off and stored in a district-provided storage device during the regular school day. The district-provided storage device will be a Yondr pouch; however, while the pouches have been ordered, we anticipate that they will not arrive in time for the first week of school. The plan is to have the pouches available the week of Sept. 9. Until the pouches arrive and are distributed, students in grades 6-12 will be required to keep their phones turned off in their locker during the school day or at home.
Where can I find the mobile device policy?
The Waterville Board of Education mobile device policy (#5304) can be found online.
The policy is in effect starting with the 2024-25 school year.
What is a Yondr pouch?
The Yondr Pouch is a secure bag that is used to store an individual’s mobile device or devices. It is secured and unlocked with a special magnetic locking device.

Why is the school introducing Yondr pouches?
The Waterville CSD is seeking to limit distractions in grades 6-12 classrooms and improve overall student engagement, mental health and well-being.
How will students receive a Yondr pouch?
When the pouches arrive, all students in grades 6-12 will be assigned a Yondr pouch to secure their phone and/or smartwatch. The pouch is the property of the school and is considered on loan to the student during the school year. Students are responsible for the Yondr pouch at all times and for bringing the pouch to and from school each day and keeping them in good condition.
How will the process work at arrival and dismissal?
Upon entering school, students will turn their phone off, place the phone inside of the Yondr pouch, and lock it in front of staff. The pouches will be unlocked at the end of the school day at several designated locations within the building.

A Yondr unlocking base.
How is the “end of the day” defined?
The end of the school day at the Jr./Sr. High School is 2:41 p.m. The end of the day at MPS is 2:20. Students who leave school before these times will be able to unlock their phones as they leave.
My student attends BOCES CTE classes where Yondr pouches are not required. What will the process be for these students?
Students who attend BOCES CTE classes in the afternoon will be able to unlock their devices when they leave the Jr./Sr. High School. Those who attend morning CTE classes will have to lock their devices upon arrival to the Jr./Sr. High School.
Will my student’s phone be safe?
Phones never leave the possession of the students.
Will my student still be able to listen to music?
Students will be able to use headphones with cords to connect to their Chromebooks. They will be able to use the headphones for classroom work or for listening to music during free periods. All Bluetooth devices, including AirPods, smartwatches and other headphones, must be stored in the Yondr pouch.
What if a student needs to leave the building before regular dismissal?
If a student needs to leave school early for an approved early dismissal, medical emergency, work assignment, athletic event, or other school-sponsored trip, students will be able to unlock their devices at school just prior to their departure. If returning to school during the instructional day, the Yondr pouch would be locked upon re-entry to the building.
What if a parent or guardian needs to reach their child during the school day?
We understand that emergencies will occur. Parents may contact the Waterville Jr./Sr. High School main office at 315-841-3800 or the MPS main office at 315-841-3700 to speak with their student if the need arises.
What happens if there is an emergency at school?
Every location in the Jr./Sr. High School and MPS is equipped with a phone that can dial 911. Our staff is trained to execute safety and emergency procedures. Students will follow the school’s emergency procedures in the case of an emergency. Schools will communicate with parents through the district’s mass notification and communication tools.
What if a student does not comply or damages the locked case to access their phone?
Students who are found to unlock the pouches, cause damage to the pouch, or use an alternate phone may be subject to disciplinary action and/or may be required to pay for a replacement pouch.
What happens if a student doesn’t have their Yondr pouch?
The mobile device will be turned over to main office staff and secured in the main office until the end of the school day. At the end of the school day, students will retrieve their mobile device.
What if a student needs their personal device for a medical issue?
Students who have a documented medical condition and who need a personal device for monitoring their condition will be provided with a non-locking Yondr pouch that has a velcro seal.
How will students be able to contact families if there is a lockdown or active shooter situation?
Students and staff at all schools practice lockdown drills four times a year. Students and staff are instructed to be silent during a lockdown. The response action guidelines outlined in the Jr./Sr. High School and MPS building-level safety plans have a community notification plan for all emergency situations. This notification plan includes first and foremost, parents and guardians of students in the building.
What if my child is at school and needs to call 911?
Every classroom is equipped with a phone that can dial 911. There are no codes or prefix needed to dial outside of the district. Anyone can dial direct.
Why can’t the school just implement a zero-tolerance policy and allow students to keep their phones put away?
The Waterville Central School’s previous policy was difficult to enforce and was not followed. Research has shown that the use of Yondr pouches has positively facilitated adherence to the policy.
Requiring students to lock their phones away seems like a punishment for students. Is this the case?
The introduction of Yondr is not a punitive measure. The intention of Yondr is three-fold:
- to create classroom environments where teachers can teach and students can learn free from distractions caused by the personal use of devices;
- to reduce the negative impacts for ALL students of inappropriate use of devices at school, such as cyberbullying, exposure to harmful content, and incidents involving mobile phones that detract from a healthy school climate; and
- to increase meaningful face-to-face connections between students.
Will students be able to put their personal email accounts on the district-owned Chromebooks?
No. Students will only be able to use their Waterville Central School District or Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES accounts on district-owned devices. All devices and networks owned by the district are monitored. The Waterville CSD network is a closed network.
How much will Yondr cost?
The cost for 2024-25 is $30.00 per pouch. The district was able to utilize the remainder of pandemic relief monies to accommodate the purchase. In addition to the pouches, the district ordered accessories to support the pouches including unlocking bases, replacement pouches and customer service.
Will teachers be using the Yondr pouches as well?
No. Teachers and staff will be encouraged to model responsible use of mobile devices.
If a student forgets to unlock the pouch before leaving the building, is there a way for students to unlock the pouch – ie an unlock station outside the school building?
There will not be an unlocking station outside the building. In the rare instance of a student forgetting to unlock their pouch, they will be able to return to school before the last late bus departs to unlock it.
What if there is a building-wide emergency and students are unable to return to the building, how will they open their Yondr pouch?
There will be mobile unlocking devices available for these types of circumstances.
If the Yondr pouch is stolen/lost who is responsible for replacement?
Students will ultimately be responsible for the care of their Yondr pouch. If a student intentionally damages the pouch, they will be responsible for replacement and may face disciplinary consequences and may be required to purchase a new pouch. As the new school year gets underway, the district will provide families and students with replacement protocols.
Will each teacher be able to unlock the pouches in the event of an active shooter in the building or a lockdown due to swatting?
No. Individual teachers will not be able to unlock the pouches. However, there are limited handheld unlocking stations to use in emergencies.
How many Yondr stations will there be and where will they be located?
The Yondr stations will be located where students normally enter and exit the building.
Do the Yondr pouches block cell signals or internet?
Yondr pouches do not block cell signals or the internet.
How will students know whose Yondr pouch is whose?
The pouches will be distributed and each Gr. 6-12 student will be required to put their name on their pouch as it is handed to them. Students will keep their pouches with them at all times.
What are the penalties for violating the district mobile device policy?
1st Offense: The student’s mobile device will be confiscated and given to the school administrator to be returned to the student at the conclusion of the school day. In addition, the student will serve one lunch detention. The principal or their designee will meet with the student to review the Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Devices and parent/guardian contact will be made.
2nd Offense: The student’s mobile device will be confiscated and given to the school administrator. The student and parent (guardian) will be required to attend a meeting with the school principal or their designee at the conclusion of the school day. At this meeting, the mobile device will be returned and the Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Devices will be reviewed. In addition, the student will be required to attend one, two-hour after school detention and turn their mobile device into the office each morning for a period of 30 days.
3rd Offense: The student’s mobile device will be confiscated and given to the school administrator. The student and parent (guardian) will be required to attend a meeting with the school principal or their designee at the conclusion of the school day. At this meeting, the mobile device will be returned and the Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Devices will be reviewed. In addition, the student will be required to attend two, two-hour after school detention sessions and turn their mobile device into the office each morning for the remainder of the school year.
Additional consequences may be imposed as defined by the district’s code of conduct: (Policy 1005).
Will Memorial Park Elementary School (MPS) be using Yondr pouches?
Students in grade 6 will also be using the Yondr pouches. The policy for students in grades PreK-5 regarding mobile devices is that all student mobile devices must be kept at home or in a locker from the start of the school day until the end.
The information above doesn’t answer my questions. How can I submit a question about Yondr pouches?
The Yondr FAQs will be updated as the implementation gets underway in 2024-25. If you have a question regarding the implementation of Yondr pouches, email or your student’s school principal.